A weekend with friends

Yesterday, I caught up with my good friend Adriana and we had a conversation about blogging and the idea of capturing our lives in a meaningful way. I shared with her my ongoing dilemma regarding the content of this blog. Historically, my blogs have always revolved around photography, and for the first time, I am considering being more spontaneous. This transition doesn’t come naturally for me as I tend to be a perfectionist, and I question whether anyone would be interested in posts with pictures taken with my phone. But as Adriana wisely said, the most important thing is to do this in a way that feels authentic to me, so with that in mind, here are some pictures I took over the weekend!

Saturday was such a beautiful day, sunny and crisp. We visited María and her son Otis, who live in Södermalm. Otis and Moa were born two months apart. It was wonderful to share pregnancy and now motherhood with one of my best friends, and the fact that our children are so fond of each other makes me really, really happy.

We went to Stora Blecktornsparken, a beautiful park with a big playground and animals to see. It was our first time there and Moa loved it. After playing for a while in the sun, we went to their apartment to bake together and have fika. At dusk, Moa and I walked Fjällgatan to Slussen, to watch the boats and traffic lights.

When we were heading home to meet Graeme, I got a message from our neighbor Jennie. She invited us over for some bubbles, and since spontaneity isn’t common in Sweden, we of course couldn’t resist. It turned out to be the most lovely evening — Moa played with their daughters Ada and Augusta while we chatted, sipped cava, and enjoyed some cheese. It was the perfect end to a beautiful day.


3 responses to “A weekend with friends”

  1. Jennie Lind Avatar
    Jennie Lind


  2. Desirée Avatar

    Por aquí una amante de los blogs, esperando nuevas entradas. Te conocí por tu antiguo blog y aún te sigo, creo que eres la persona que más tiempo hace que sigo, jeje. ¡Nos leemos! 😉

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